Friday, August 31, 2007

Hurricane Season

I just got off the oilrig today. I did not get evacuated for Hurricane Dean but there were 18,000 oilfield men and women evacuated that worked out in the Gulf of Mexico. I work on a land rig about 50 miles from the coast but if it heads toward Texas then we go home. The trailers and buildings we live and work in are not tied down. You may not know this but you do not want to be in a trailer house that is not tied down in a hurricane! It is so nice to come home to a clean house and mowed lawn. Kudos to Laura! I mentioned above that there are women that work in the oilfield, their only qualification is they have to be cheap and easy. Just joking ladies. I am looking forward to my next time home because we are going to Chattanooga, TN. I love studying history and actually visiting the places. The last few years since I got married and moved to MS I have become fascinated with the Civil War Era. After I have learned everything about that there is always another thing I will get interested in.

1 comment:

tara said...

thank you thank you thank you! and yes, i'd love someone to tool around with. i'll give you a call a little bit later in the week!