Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It's a Small World!

First-I need to say that my thoughts and prayers are with Lara and Nick right now. I hope and pray that all goes well, Lara holds up good and is able to deal well with the months and years ahead of her...... LOVE YOU!

  • Now I feel that I need to say just how grateful I am for this blogging thing--you know when I lived in Northern Virginia--IMing was the big thing to do to keep in touch and talk with everyone and goodness knows I tried to keep everyone up on the "happenings" when they were happening(no I am not talking about the gossip--the parties--goodness yall--stay with me here). Through this blog- I have meet new people-such as Tara(well I knew about her from Ben Bennett and Lara) but have never met her face to face--we chatted on the phone for several hours the other night and it was like we had know each other for years--that was a good thing if you ask me--(by the way Tara if you read this-I told Robert our plans and he could go and be quite or not go at all--but he was not ruining our party!!! :) ) When I moved to Virginia, I was coming from Hawaii(--man I still miss that place-) I was a nanny for a military family. I had the opportunity to hang out all day everyday with other nannies from the Langley Ward(and there were alot of us). I made some good friends and great memories with these people--I have kept up with some of you over the years--and others I have found through blogging--Rachel and Melissa. I have been horrible at keeping in touch with everyone. I know that we all get busy in our own lives. The thing that I LOVE most about blogging is when I get time, I can post--and when YOU get time, you can read---so I just want say something to each of you--
  • Nick and Lara-Nick and I have never met-but will one day--Lara, we met SO randomly that it kills me one of the best moments with you would have to be--495 Beltway--I like big butts!!-baby got back! I think Oliver was there as well--because it was his families van that broke down. HAHA! You trip here was great as well!
  • Heidi and Dave-Heidi, Lauren and I lived together for a year or so. We had great times in the townhouse--I always remember about you is your popcorn and scrap booking--oh and your blanket--and Cape Cod, New York and institute retreats!!!
  • Kara--What can I say-I love your guts girl! RS presidency get away trip to St. Thomas and our trip to Hawaii are highlights--as well as the cabin-- you moving me to MS and all the fun from that trip--truck stop bathrooms--gotta love them--and last but not least you driving to come to my wedding when all the flights were cancelled after 9/11--and Heather too!
  • Tara--I will have more to say on you after our trip to Jackson Square I am sure-Palm reading anyone? or the Bourbon Cowboy?
  • Lauren-Of course living together, poker nights and our ice cream runs because life sucks at times and Maggiano's. CAR SHOPPING ANYONE?
  • Kristin and Oliver-Krispy Kreme anyone or Five Guys? Any dance I go to will never be the same without Oliver--our midnight talks in the parking garage-haha!
  • Matt-NEW ORLEANS BABY!! Kara was here as well--the trumpet you played while marching in the street waiting for the parade to begin will always stick out to me.
  • Heather-Well I believe that I spent more time with you, Kara and Tema than my roommates at times-- in St. Thomas we(the 4 of us) made a deal to see each other and get together every year--I think we are still waiting for that year to be over(haha)-and last but not least-coming to my wedding and helping as much as you did--Thanks to you and Kara!
  • Melissa-We had great times--sneaking out of the house to avoid Mark. We never had a bad time-always laughed and going to Lancaster, PA will always be a highlight for me.
  • Natalie--FHE, we did that song from My Best Friends Wedding and you wore the wedding dress--still makes me crack up to this day--you always made me look like a million bucks--thanks a million. and killed my eye brows--still get them done(by the way) love ya!
  • Dori-is Kara's sister and really went out of her way for me when Robert and I were sealed in the DC Temple--she made us a red velvet wedding cake (Robert ate the whole bottom layer) She was VERY pregnant with Robbie and I thank you very much!
  • Rachie--She was my young friend-still in high school-I would watch her play Field Hockey-I met her through her brother and she always made me laugh
  • Rachel DAVIS Palmer--you see there are 2 Rachel Palmer's--(Rachel Davis married Rachie's brother Aaron)-we spent everyday together and went everywhere together for sometime--going to Palmyra, NY and the Hill Cumorah Pageant and staying at your families home will be fond memories for me forever!
  • Robert--my darling husband--all I can say is I love you with all of my heart-You make me want to be a better person everyday.

Mom, Mere, Jen and Sissy-I see or talk to yall often--you know I love ya!

P.S. One more little note----When I lived in Hawaii I ran into one of my DL's from my mission at BYU Hawaii and we hung out till I left-well- I recently found him again and he is in Jackson, MS about an hour or so from me-doing his internship at University Hospital. I am telling you--It is a small world after all!!

P.S.S. Sometimes in life I feel people need to hear how they have affected other lives for the good-so often in life we only hear the bad--I hope that you all enjoy this good and know that it comes from the bottom of my heart--thanks for all the good memories and great times. You all have touched my life--THANKS AGAIN!


Heidi Totten said...

You're so sappy. :) I still love you, though!

YaYa said...

Lest we forget you working for me as the "maid"~ laundry was never cleaner in that house- HA! Love your guts too. Kiss my face~ all over...just KISS IT.

This IS our life said...

What great memories. We had a great group of friends. There may have been some ups and downs and a LITTLE drama at times BUT it was always great fun. I am so glad to reconnect with friends from NVA.:) PS I a, really glad you gpt to see your little bella last week. Children really make a difference in our lives........ don't they? Have a great night

Lara said...

I love you too, girl. You are one of my dearest friends. I'm glad you and Tara are planning to get together...can't wait to hear all about it.